You have so many tabs open. M*A*S*H, another M*A*S*H tab, House Md, Imgur, Twin Peaks, a notion, 2 tabs for the same code, a google document. Neocities (this one), another neocities tab, colour picker, and 2 more neocities tabs. Billy Idol plays and your laptops fans are noisy. If you could try and imagine this it would be great. Do it! Put yourself in these shoes.

You think a lot. When are you not thinking? There has never been a time where your brain stands still. As you age you shift away from the negative and depressing thoughts that come with the teenage years. Theres more important things to think about, like your day and what you're going to have for breakfast tomorrow. Take things one day at a time and don't make life decisions past 21:00. That's my best advice.

It's 19:08. You think about important things like this code and what music you want to listen to and your favourite characters. One thing you feel you should express is that you are not real. "Born in the wrong generation" is a stupid phrase. You prefer "from a different generation." You are from the 1980s and 1950s. Carry it with you to the grave. To be clear there is nothing wrong with the current times. You love your computers and your phone and you love your country despite what every 14 year old edgelord says about it. Things are good in the moment and they always will be despite everything.